Monday, February 4, 2013

How to Find Short Term Unsecured Loans When You Have Had a Previous Bankruptcy

Many people ask themselves if they are able to get unsecured loans when they have been previously bankrupt. The answer to this question is yes! You can still apply for a fast and unsecured loan after you have been on a record of bankrupt previously. But there is a catch here because when you are bankrupt, it means that your credit score is not good. In addition, the situation is made worse because you are seeking for a long without a security or collateral.

Many lenders will shy away from granting loans to people with bad credit and cases of bankruptcy. Those few you will get will offer higher interest rates meaning that you may end up plunging into further financial pitfalls. Bankruptcy is perhaps the worst blotch that will reflect in your credit history profile and therefore you have to trade in cautiously when borrowing unsecured loans.

The first step you need to attempt to do is build up a good image on your credit history in the coming times.  If you have been in a bankruptcy case, you may not be able to obtain loans for a period of 10 years. Similarly, if you have records of charge offs, repossessions, unpaid collections and other serious payment defaults, this could take you up to 7 years for you to be able to apply a loan comfortably.

Even after that period, you may only be eligible to certain amounts of loan principal. As lending institutions continue to increase their confidence with borrowers especially those on bankruptcy records, more creditors are willing to offer unsecured loans. Because you are looking for unsecured loan for bad credit record, it means that you will not be able to offer collateral for the credit facility. The lender will not be able to claim on your assets should you fail to repay the loan.

In order to be able to borrow, it will depend on your ability to repay. If you have steady income, you may be able to sail through the loan repayment comfortably. However, you need to opt for low interest rate unsecured bad credit loans. Because you do not want to taint the bad credit report any further, you need to ensure that you can repay the loan. You need to borrow cautiously meaning that the loan amount should be manageable.

You may also need to get into an arrangement where you get payment protection insurance that will enable you get a cover for your monthly loan repayments. Such protection can save you from unforeseen misfortunes that may strike your way in the course of repaying the loan. Remember any delinquencies on the loans can increase interest rates something, which you would want to avoid.

In addition, delinquencies can result to untimely fines that further constrain your financial ability. When bankruptcy strikes, things take a dramatic change and picking up the pieces and leading your normal life becomes a challenge.

Although chapter 7-bankruptcy law and chapter 13-bankruptcy legislation may help you minimize the burden put forward by your state of bankruptcy, perhaps the best option is to get a loan and pay it off in time. When borrowing the short term unsecured loans, ensure you use them to build low to medium term risk investments. The short-term loanswill help improve your credit score and be able to get lower interest loans in future. 

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